My Cat's Eyes Are Almost Always Dilated

Other than normal dialation answered by other users here is what.
My cat's eyes are almost always dilated. Various health concerns are connected to dilated pupils including feline leukemia toxicity dysautonomia and tumors. Now a more thoughtful answer found through google. Dilated pupils are another source of understanding the meaning of cats mysterious eyes and often indicate an excited cat.
By studying your cats eyes along with her body language. Diseases such as kidney or thyroid disease can cause hypertension leading to blindness. It can also be a display of surprise or fear depending on the situation.
When the animal is very excited andor nervous for example during a game session it is usual to see it with round or elliptical pupils. It is not unusual for a cats pupils to fully dilate when they are really excited. Feline hypertension can be related to several factors including kidney thyroid or heart disease so be sure to take your cat to the vet so that they can prescribe effective treatment.
A cats eyes being dilated can be a sign of illness elsewhere in their bodies. High blood pressure also called hypertension is the most common reason why your cats eyes are always dilated. Cats eyes should dilate periodically so its a real concern if the pupils never contract.
It can be a sign of a physical ailment or disease if its a constant condition such as hypertension anisocoria or dysautonomia. We know his vision is excellent because he can catch gnats and small moths in mid-air. Kitten eyes always dilated.
But if you see it continuously and you ask yourself why are my cats eyes always dilated there could be a chain of multiple possible signs. Our Zebulons pupils never close to a slit like normal cats pupils do in bright light. If you have a cat with one dilated and one is not there are a number of things that could be wrong.