Luka Magnotta Marriage Anthony

Luka Magnotta is getting married.
Luka magnotta marriage anthony. The marriage was on June 26 to Anthony Jolin who was another inmate. Now Luka Rocco Magnotta getting married Anthony Jolin Luka Magnotta and Boyfriend Imprisoned fo. The cannibal at the centre of the Netflix documentary Dont Fk With Cats has married.
As it turns out Luka Magnottas husband Anthony Jolin is also a killer and they have a pretty interesting life in prison. Ever since Dont F With Cats. Their marriage location was about 60 km far from the Port-Cartier Prison.
Jolin has a decent height. Jolin is also serving a life sentence for stabbing an inmate to death while serving time for another offense. In 2017 the Montreal Gazette reported that Magnotta would be getting married to a fellow inmate Anthony Jolin.
Anthony isnt on social media such as Twitter and Instagram. But has a number of fan pages on Instagram. Hunting an Internet Killer hit Netflix earlier this month the story of the Canadian murderer that inspired the docu-series has been making waves.
Luka Magnotta Jail MarriageThe canadian killer was sentenced to. Informing the sites administrators. Meanwhile lets not forget how hes also the main focus of.
Magnotta is currently serving life in prison and is married to a fellow inmate anthony jolin. As it turns out Luka Magnottas husband Anthony Jolin is also a killer. Luka magnotta born eric clinton kirk newman was convicted of.