Facts About Cats Eyes

The tapetum lucidum is also what makes cats eyes shine in the dark.
Facts about cats eyes. In the rear of a cats eye is a light-reflecting layer called the tapetum lucidum which causes cats eyes to glow at night. 10 Fascinating Facts About Cats. We know that myths about cats eyes are no different that plain old myths about catsmeaning that no matter the subject myths are things that a lot of folks believe even though what they believe is incorrect.
When the night comes people are impressed seeing the shining eyes of cats. This is due to their natural instincts to perceive this as an act of aggression. Cats are night owls who sleep their entire day through and hunt at night.
One of the most important facts about cats eyes to learn is this pose. Their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells. The color of the cats eye is determined by the amount of melanin pigment present in them.
In terms of development the first year of a cats life is equal to the first 15 years of a human life. It can cause some cats to become scared angry or attack. Read on for some fun facts about cats eyes.
Cats arent completely color-blind but their color vision is. Cats have a lot fewer cones than humans do and the ones they do have arent concentrated as they are in human eyes. Cats can develop everything from viral infections in their eyes to glaucoma.
Cats have an inner third eyelid called a nictitating membrane which protects the eye from dryness andor damage. Some cats have blue eyes which is due to the absence of melanin in their eyes. However there is a vast range of eye colors found in cats including green yellow and brown.