Arctic Ocean Animals List

Polar bears are marine mammals.
Arctic ocean animals list. List of Arctic Animals -Phytoplankton These drifting organisms live near the surface of the water. According to the Census of Marine Lifes CoML Arctic Ocean Diversity website two taxonomic groups make up over half of all arctic fish species. When you get deeper into the Arctic ocean the water will typically get a little warmer 2-3 degrees.
Endangered marine species in the Arctic Ocean include walruses and whales. How Much Are Fishing Boats. Arctic Fox - Vulpes lagopus Arctic Hare - Lepus arcticus Arctic Wolf - Canis lupus arctos Caribou Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus Moose - Alces alces Musk Ox - Ovibos moschatus Polar Bear - Ursus maritimus Wolverine - Gulo gulo Dall Sheep - Ovis dalli Ermine - Mustela erminea Lemming - Lemmus lemmus Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe Rabbit.
There are 12 species of marine mammals that regularly inhabit the Arctic. Mollusk There are over 85000 different kind of mollusks and about 23 of the animals in the ocean belong to this animal order. -Zooplankton including krill jellyfish baby clams and crabs Drifting animals that live in the water column they feed on phytoplankton and smaller zooplankton.
Arctic animals can be divided into small herbivores large herbivores and predators. The humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae is one of the largest aquatic mammals in the world measuring a length of 14 meters with a weight of around 36 tons. Walruses polar bears arctic foxes seals brown bears beluga whales arctic wolves bowhead whales and narwhals.
From Arctic tundra animals such as Reindeer and Arctic Foxes to marine mammals like Polar Bears and numerous species of Whales animals that live in the Arctic are increasingly endangered by the global climate crisis. Many of the Arctic animals are eating other animals. Other Arctic animals are the Ungava brown bear which is probably extinct.
The apex predators in the Arctic Oceanmarine mammals such as seals whales and polar bearsprey upon fish. Sperm whales Blue whales Fin Whales Humpback Whales. Among the Arctic ocean animals we have the humpback whale andor rorquals.